I was very pleasantly surprised the other day when I discoverd that the Ultimate beauty store, aka Sephora has an official blog! I was so excited, I went to it immediately and started reading and bookmarked it of course.
I was also really excited to discover that one of my new favourite products, Hope in a Jar by Philosphy has made an SPF 20 formula! I am very excited about this! I have been using this moisturizer for awhile and I really like it, but I was disappointed that it didn't have SPF. Well, now it does! They have also made a new formula of the Purity Made Simple Cleanser, it is now in a foaming cleanser. Apparently customers have been begging for it. I don't know why because foaming cleaners are generally detergent based, which is bad for your skin, but this one claims not to be.
Another thing I wanted to mention is the Best of Sephora 2008 sweepstakes. Basically you vote on your favourite products and one lucky person will win one of every winner (thats 30 products) plus a $1000 gift card and a trip to san francisco. 10 second prize winners will win $100 sephora cards. So go vote people!
Sephora is one of our favorite stops (me and my girls) when we go to the mall. In fact, we always park on that end so we can hit it coming and going :)
Found a grapefruit body butter that I really liked last trip -- it was right next to the Philosophy stuff -- will have to check this one out next time!
My Natural Network :)
Hey thanks!!
I didn't know Sephora had a blog :D :D :D :D
Oh and thanks for coming by to my blog ;)
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